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​Factory Construction

Our services

Factory construction is a process involving the construction of industrial facilities where production activities will be carried out. These facilities are usually large-scale and may include production lines, storage areas, offices and other supporting facilities. Here is a more detailed description about the factory construction:

Purpose and Use: Factory construction usually involves the construction of facilities where the production of products will be carried out. These factories can operate in various industries, for example, automotive, food, chemical, textile, electronics, etc. Factories can be designed to accommodate every stage of the production process.

Design and Planning: The design and planning stage is extremely important in factory construction. The internal layout of the factory, the layout of production lines, storage areas, offices and other facilities should be carefully planned to maximize production efficiency.

Building Materials and Technology: Durable and reliable building materials are usually used in factory construction. Materials such as concrete, steel and aluminum are often preferred. In addition, factories are often equipped with automation and other advanced technologies to optimize production processes.

Safety and Environmental Factors: Worker safety is of great importance in factory construction. Measures such as fire prevention systems, emergency exits, security cameras should be taken. In addition, taking into account the environmental impacts of factories, energy efficiency, waste management and environmental protection measures should be taken.

Technical Ability and Experience: Factory construction requires complex engineering calculations and technical skills. Therefore, it is important that engineers and workers working in factory construction have sufficient experience.

Legal Compliance: Full compliance with the relevant construction and industrial safety regulations should be ensured during the factory construction process. It is important to meet building permits, building inspections and other legal requirements.

​Why Gürtes Engineering?

​Expert Staff: We keep customer satisfaction in the forefront with our experienced engineers and expert team in the field.

Technology-Oriented Solutions: By using modern construction techniques and advanced technology, we ensure that projects are realized in the most effective way.

Environmentally Friendly Designs: We design sustainable production facilities using energy efficiency and environmentally friendly materials.

​Contracting companies provide expertise in providing high-quality, safe and sustainable factory construction solutions tailored to the specific needs of the customer.

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